The Gardeners Glove

The Simplicity of Desert Valley Blooms & Gardening of Colorado

Take The Thyme
Holiday painting is so much fine. Here I will show a few fun painting projects that make the holidays ring with joy. I hand painted snowmen and beautiful Christmas flowers onto clear ornaments. Then you spray a clear coat onto the ornament and add ribbon and any Christmas tassel.
Holiday Painting...

Last year I painted a variety of Christmas cards showing snowmen, Christmas trees, stockings and other holiday themes. Then typed Seasons Greeting from my family. These are hand painted cards with a personal touch.

Each card I placed in an envalope that had a painted wrig or other matching item to go with the painted Christmas card. Glitter paint was used to add a special touch to some cards. They were fun to make and so much nicer to give away than a store bought card.
Believe it or not I love to make a snowman in the front yard after a nice heavy snowfall. I add any snowcap/hat and branches for arms. A carrot for their nose and coal (if I have some around) for the eyes or I use round ornaments. A scarf around the neck to keep the snowman warm on below zero temperatures. Even at my old age now, I still like to build a snowman.