The Gardeners Glove

The Simplicity of Desert Valley Blooms & Gardening of Colorado

Take The Thyme
Take The Thyme
Creative Sprouts...
Each season brings a new look in any garden.
Summer is a time to really enjoy all the wonderful planting that you have done for the past few months.
Fall is the harvest to all things. This time of season is so special and fun to be enjoyed. Everyone with a garden should have a scarecrow as an added feature. Have fun this Fall with a funny creation.
Winter comes in the Northwestern part of the states early, but not to worry. Planting young shrubs in the late Fall has now made a new garden area. Build around your flower beds with many small bushes and by the next season you will see a whole new look to your garden area.
Spring is a refreshing time to start in and think of new ideas for your garden areas. Different starter plants to new varieties of seeds that will bring your garden area a fresh new look. Go ahead and be colorful this year. Plant things you never thought you would, this is a gift you give yourself.
