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The Gardeners Glove

Give everything a drink

garden filled cart

The Gardeners Glove

Give everything a drink
The Simplicity of Desert Valley Blooms & Gardening of Colorado

Take The Thyme
Doddle Art

This area of my website I am devoting to what I call, Doddle Art. It's just simple little art works that make me smile. I usually use them for my FB backgrounds on my profile page.
Paper and Brush
When I get an idea in my head, I go straight into my art room and lightly sketch whatever it is that I want to later transform into a watercolor painting. I'll be adding a few fun ones for all to see and enjoy. Maybe it will give you a doddle art idea too.

So many I don't know where to start, so I have added most current to older ones.
My love for animals never fails me. Painting my furbabies, to my neighbor's dog that passed away.
Every watercolor I do has some form of meaning for me.

Christmas time is always fun in creating silly art pieces.

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